Gov. Murphy has announced he has signed an executive order that ALL RESIDENTS MUST STAY HOME until Further Notice. All gatherings are canceled until further notice. NO weddings, parties or in-person services. You can NOT cross states lines to shop or travel there. Urging people who have homes at the NJ Shore. STAY AT Primary Residence. ALL non Essential businesses must close effective 9pm tonight. Essential stores will remain open. All 9 million residents must stay home.
ALL gatherings are canceled.
ALL non-essential retail businesses must indefinitely close their physical stores to the public effective 9:00 p.m. tonight.
A Second Executive Order was signed that the order above supersedes any local or township orders.
Also ordering non NJ residents to NOT travel into NJ during this order.
After NJ Gov. Phil Murphy announced this morning that he is mandating the indefinite closure of ALL Municipal, county, and State public libraries and computer labs at public & private higher ed institutions.
Murphy has also just announced that after 400 new test results, bringing the total in the state of NJ to 1327. 16 people have died in the state of NJ from Covid-19.