We are watching for some severe weather on Christmas Eve (Thursday) into Christmas Day. While it will not be a white Christmas for us, we need to plan for what is possibly going to come. A strong cold front will move across the area bringing heavy winds (40-50mph+), heavy rain, thunderstorms or two and a flash freeze is possible. After the cold front pushes through we will see temperatures drop 20-30º within a few hours. As you can see below is the GFS temperature model and you can see that difference as the cold front pushes across the area. Flooding is also possible due to snowpack. If you have sewer drains in front of your house, it might be a great idea to clear snow from them to allow water to flow into the drains.
Prepare for possible power outages, a flash freeze and heavy rain on Christmas Eve/Day. Santa and his team are preparing and they are confident he will be able to make it to everyones home this Christmas.